Do you want to go to a less traditional school or enhance your current career? Find out why you should look into trade schools.


5 Most Useful Training Courses for Trades

21 November 2017
, Blog

Many trade courses claim to make you more employable and useful in your work. However, some of them teach skills that you will never use again. This list of courses aims to provide you with guidelines on the most in-demand, employable trade qualifications available. From forklift training to scaffolding training, the right course for your skill set does exist. Undertaking these training courses will ensure that you can bring new skills to your job, whether that job is in construction or warehouse work.
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Tips On Setting Up A Big Rig For A Dock

13 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

One of the most important skills you will learn as a truck driver is how to set your rig up for a dock, i.e. placing your truck in the correct position to reverse into a loading dock or bay. As setting up for a dock is a notoriously difficult feat for a learner to master, you may find the following tips helpful. Familiarise yourself with the docking area first Before you even attempt to back-up your rig, park up somewhere out of the way and carry out a survey of the area on foot.
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About Me
Training in warehouse work

I have worked in the warehouse since I left school, but I'm eager to start taking on some of the more skilled work that the operator-maintainers do, so I have been doing some extra training at the local trade school. It will be a while before I get my overall trade certificate, but with each course I attend, I learn a lot more about the equipment and processes around me. This blog has some tips on how trade school can help you with your career and some useful information about how to find trade schools near you so you can start on a good path.